Sunday, April 17, 2011

Temporarily: Risen Hero on Hold

For the past month I have put Risen hero on hold and  it will likely be for the next moth or so. I am hoping this break will re-energize me once I get back to building, much like the break between chapters 1 and 2.

I have started work on the community campaign, which is shaping up to be one hell of a game! I will be contributing 2 quest to this game. One of the quest will involve Horgath, seen in previous community campaigns (Halloween and SOZ expansion). I am hoping to develop a bit more of his back story, the conclusion to his story will be in the Risen Hero campaign (part of chapter 2, the next release).

I don't want to give away any spoilers of the community game, but I look forward to it; there are a number of very talented community members working on it.

On a separate note.
I have broke out my old HeroQuest board game by MB, and I have been playing it with my two boys (6 & 8). It is a fun run down memory lane and a great experience with my kids. It is fun watching their reactions as I describe the room they enter or seeing the fun in their faces as they slaughter goblins and orcs.



Wyrin said...

aw man, now I'm cursing my parents even more for throwing out all my old heroquest and advanced heroquest stuff :(

Lance Botelle (Bard of Althéa) said...

Heroquest ... I had the Amiga computer version of that game and loved it!

It was simple and addictive .. :)


Shaughn said...

The simplicity of the game is great. It give the younger kids a understanding of the rules and an idea of how to play without overwhelming them. I figure eventually I can start introducing some other dnd rules.
The wizards of the coast website has a great set of articles about playing with younger children. I have been using some of the advice I found there and it is definately making the experience a good one for everyone.

I can definately feel your pain Wyrin.