Play testing is going well, at this point I think I have made more big errors fixing little things. 1 playtester has made it all the way through and 3 other play testers (my wife being one). Hoping to have at least 2 complete play throughs before release.
There have been 2 game breaking issues. 1 was an ipoint placed in the area of the final battle that somehow wasn't set to plot and the last 2 lines of the end game convo where attached to it. So it an area effect spell destroyed it you can guess how that went. The other game breaking pointt I created fixing something small that I didn't like.
It amazes me all the different ways of approaching something. You rack your brain trying to come up with all of them during creationbut sure enough someone will habe some different idea.
So I am hoping to have a release on Aug 26th. It may get bumped a day or two but it is coming soon.