-Friendship:(level 1 positive) +1 to relationship companions
-Unwavering friendship:(level 2 positive) +1 for all party members
-Inseparable: (level 3 positive) +3 for relationship companions, +2 for all party members.
Companions will also not separate from each other and must either both be in the party or out
of the party. Similar to BG1, Dynaheir & Mincs.
-Untrusting:(level 1 negative) -1 to relationship companions
-Dislike: (level 2 negative) -1 to all party members
-Hatred: (level 3 negative) -2 to all party members.
To have both companions in the party an influence check will need to be made. And if both
members are in party random interjections between companions could lead to companion
leaving party or companions trying to kill each other.